BulletSpace Mac OS

BulletSpace Mac OS

May 31 2021

BulletSpace Mac OS

Feb 24th, 2019
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  1. #Set up Screen
  2. importturtle
  3. importmath
  4. wn =turtle.Screen()
  5. wn.title('Space Invaders')
  6. #Draw border
  7. border_pen.speed(0)
  8. border_pen.penup()
  9. border_pen.pendown()
  10. for side inrange(4):
  11. border_pen.lt(90)
  12. player =turtle. Turtle()
  13. player.shape('triangle')
  14. player.speed(0)
  15. player.setheading(90)
  16. playerspeed =15
  17. #Choose a number of enemies
  18. #Create an empty list of enemies
  19. for i inrange(number_of_enemies):
  20. enemies.append(turtle.Turtle())
  21. for enemy in enemies:
  22. enemy.color('red')
  23. enemy.penup()
  24. x =random.randint(-200,200)
  25. enemy.setposition(x, y)
  26. enemyspeed =2
  27. #Create the player's bullet
  28. bullet.color('yellow')
  29. bullet.penup()
  30. bullet.setheading(90)
  31. bullet.hideturtle()
  32. bulletspeed =20
  33. #Define bullet state
  34. #fire - bullet is firing
  35. #Move the player left and right
  36. x = player.xcor()
  37. if x < -280:
  38. player.setx(x)
  39. def move_right():
  40. x += playerspeed
  41. x =280
  42. #Declare bulletstate as a global if it needs changed
  43. if bulletstate 'ready':
  44. #Move the bullet to the just above the player
  45. y = player.ycor() + 10
  46. bullet.showturtle()
  47. def isCollision(t1, t2):
  48. distance =math.sqrt(math.pow(t1.xcor()-t2.xcor(),2)+math.pow(t1.ycor()-t2.ycor(),2))
  49. returnTrue
  50. returnFalse
  51. #create keyboard bindings
  52. wn.onkey(move_left,'Left')
  53. wn.onkey(fire_bullet,'space')
  54. #Main game loop
  55. #Move the enemy
  56. x += enemyspeed
  57. if enemy.xcor()>280:
  58. y -=40
  59. enemy.sety(y)
  60. if enemy.xcor()< -280:
  61. y -=40
  62. enemy.sety(y)
  63. #Move the bullet
  64. y = bullet.ycor()
  65. bullet.sety(y)
  66. #check to see if bullet has gone to the top
  67. bullet.hideturtle()
  68. #Check for a collision between the bullet and the enemy
  69. #Reset the bullet
  70. bulletstate ='ready'
  71. #Reset the enemy
  72. player.hideturtle()
  73. print('Game Over')
RAW Paste Data

Bulletspace Mac Os X

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Bulletspace Mac Os Catalina

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BulletSpace Mac OS

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