Fruit Ninja Clone (AGoodPotato) Mac OS

Fruit Ninja Clone (AGoodPotato) Mac OS

May 28 2021

Fruit Ninja Clone (AGoodPotato) Mac OS

Here is my list of cocos2d open source games and programming resources for various purposes in cocos2d development. I hope it will help you to speed up learning and developing your games using this fantastic framework as it helped me making iUridium. I will keep updating this list so stay tuned.

  1. Fruit Ninja Clone (a Good Potato) Mac Os 7
  2. Fruit Ninja Clone (a Good Potato) Mac Os 11
  3. Fruit Ninja Clone (a Good Potato) Mac Os Pro
  4. Fruit Ninja Clone (agoodpotato) Mac Os Download


(Last Update: 26.05.2012.)

. 'This is the best Fruit Ninja clones on the App Store I’ve seen yet, because it not only has two different game modes but its also really addictive!' - PocketFullOfApps.com. 'SushiChop is a great game with above average graphics and audio. Don’t be too quick to think that this is just another Fruit Ninja clone' - iGamesCentral.com. A Good Potato aldenearwood.myportfol. I'm a budding indie developer, looking to get into a game design college program and learn all that I can! I'm uploading my content here to share my learning progress with the world:). Thank you for checking my content out Fruit Ninja Clone.

Cocos2d itself: LINK

Kobold2d – Great wrapper around cocos2d providing some very nice out of the box solutions, made by Steffen Itterheim: LINK


(Last Update: 11.08.2013.)

List of open Source game projects on cocos2d-iphone.org: LINK

iLabyrinth game source: LINK

Tiny Wings Hills game source: LINK

Simple platform game using cocos2d and box2d with collision detection: LINK

Canabalt game source: LINK

Knight Fight isometric game source: LINK

PingPang multiplayer game source: LINK

Snake – open source game: LINK

TommyBros game (2 player platformer) source:LINK

Source code of iPad game Colorous: LINK

Strange Ocean game source – LINK

Felinity game source – LINK

Ghetto Bird (Angry Birds clone) source – LINK

Climbers game source – LINK

Tweejump game (DoodleJump like) source – LINK

https://torrent-drop-ecopolis-lbe-mac-os.peatix.com. Castle Hassle game source – LINK

Cloud Bomber game source – nice deformable terrain example project – LINK

Space Patrol game source – another nice deformable terrain example project using large map – LINK

Platform game Super Mario Bros tutorial including game source code – LINK

How to make game like Cut The Rope tutorial including game source code – LINK

How to make game like a Ragdoll with Chipmunk Physics & Cocos2d including game source code – LINK

How to make game like a Tower Defense including game source code – LINK

Sapus Tongue game source code – LINK

Heredox game source – LINK

iLabyrinth game source – LINK

Conway game of life simulation using cocos2d and TMX maps – LINK

iPokemon – a Pokemon/Pet Type Game Created using Cocos2D – LINK

How to Make a Game Like Jetpack Joyride tutorial including source code – LINK

Punchball, arcade boxing game with bluetooth multiplayer mode – LINK

How to Make a Game Like Reversi (classic board game) tutorial including source code – LINK

App Store published game “Be2 – Escape from Pingland” source code – LINK

How to Make a Game Like Tiny Wings tutorial including source code – LINK

Desert race – vertical scrolling car game source code – LINK

How to Make a Smashing monster game tutorial including source code – LINK

PacMan game source code LINK


(Last Update: 25.07.2013.)

Fantastic list of cocos2d extensions collected by Stepan Generalov: LINK

SneakyInput – cocos2d joystick implementation: LINK

ZJoystick – cocos2d joystick implementation: LINK

CCBlade – Fruit Ninja Blade effect implementation in cocos2d: LINK

CCAlertView extension: LINK

Scale9Grid – extension you may need for your pop-up dialogs: LINK

CCUIViewWrapper – wrapper for manipulating UIViews using cocos2D: LINK

CCMask extension: LINK

CCBumber (simple splash logo animation) and CCResouceAsyncLoader (easy class to asynchronous load your resources) extensions: LINK

Fruit ninja clone (agoodpotato) mac os update

Nice extension for resizing a large image before it get’s into the Texture cache: LINK

Two very nice extensions (CCProgressBar, CCSpriteHole): LINK

HKTMXTiledMap extension for large animated tile maps: LINK

Very nice iPad colour picker: LINK

Nice controls (NDControlGauge, NDControlButton, NDControlSlider): LINK

Very nice extension (CCControlExtension) providing Cocos2d Button, Slider and Color-picker: LINK

Nice particle system extension – ParticleSystemQuadMask:LINK

Very Nice cocos2d extension – Modal Alerts: LINK

Nice cocos2d particle extension for supporting both fade in and out – CCParticleSystemQuadExtended: LINK

Nice extension for creating transparent spritesheets (RGBA) from two JPG files: LINK

FacebookScorer: extension for posting your game scores to Facebook Wall – LINK

CCParallaxScrollNode: extension for repeating background/infinite parallax effect in cocos2d – LINK

iCloudIndicator: extension for showing if game can be resumed via iCloud – LINK

CCAsyncRemoteSprite: nice extension for loading Sprite image from the internet – LINK

CCLightFlash: nice extension for simulating light flash effect – LINK

PESprite – a CCSprite replacement for cocos2d that supports collision detection – LINK

CCPickerView – UIPickerView alternative for Cocos2D – LINK

CCTextField – nice cocos2d extension for replacing IUTextField – LINK

AWTextureFilter – cocos2d extension for applying a gaussian blur filter to your textures in cocos2D – LINK

NGNineGridSprite: A basic nine-grid sprite node for Cocos2D – LINK

CCSVG: A nice extension for loading, displaying and animating SVG images in Cocos2D – LINK

CCRotateAround: A nice extension for rotating sprite in circle – LINK

CCItemsScroller: A nice extension for horizontal and vertical scrolling in cocos2d – LINK

CCAutoType: A nice extension for RPG-like auto typing dialog – LINK

TSSpriteSheetManager: A nice extension for managing Sprite Sheets in your cocos2d game – LINK

Camera Layer: A complex camera movement simplifier – LINK

MenuLevel: nice extension for Angry Birds like menu level – LINK

CCNode-Screenshot: nice extension for making screenshots from within your cocos2d game – LINK

CCSlidingLayer: nice extension for sliding cocos2d layer – LINK

CCParticleSystem: extension of cocos2d particles – LINK

CCPanZoomController: extension for pinch, zoom in/out and pan-move layer – LINK

Collides2d: nice lightweight collision detection solution – LINK

CCLabelTable and CCLabelTableEditor: cocos2d table custom control – LINK

AScrollLayer – another interesting UIScrollView cocos2d alternative – LINK

CCVoHelper – extension adding VoiceOver (Accessibility) to cocos2d – LINK

CCButton – cocos2d extension of CCSprite adding touch handling – LINK

MenuLevel – Angry Bird Style menu – LINK

CCCaca – ASCII Art screen filter for Cocos2D – LINK

GPLoadingBar – loading bar example – LINK

BasicButton – nice and simple Button extension – LINK

PauseButton and PauseLayer – extension for pause/resume functionality in your cocos2d game – LINK

SSAnimation – several animation extensions – LINK

UIKitAimationPro – UIKit library allowing you to render tile maps and sprites like Cocos2D – LINK


(Last Update: 08.08.2013.)

Fantastic list of open source demo projects by @SuperSuRaccoon: LINK

Bubsy starting game project and procedural landscape solution: LINK

How to make underwater effect using cocos2d: LINK

Card3d – object with 3D chart appearance: LINK

How to preload game resources in loading scene: LINK

A* pathfinding algorithm: LINK

CocoParticle for helping creating Particles in cocos2d: LINK

Making a particle effect using a specific sequence of images such as a string of letters: LINK

Level selection scene source sample: LINK

Box2D driven cocos2d animation simulating 3D ball rolling: LINK

How to make glass breaking effect using cocos2d: LINK

How to make 2D soft shadows using pixel shaders: LINKAll plugins for fl studio 12 free download.

Nice code snippet for conversion of TMX polygon objects into box2d shapes for collision detection: LINK

Class for drawing a Verlet Rope using box2d: LINK

Very nice sample of creating flag effect for super hero cape: LINK

How to make deformable terrain effect:LINK

Awesome Progress Indicator HUD implementation:LINK

How to make water simulation for side-view games:LINK

Nice royalty-free music library by @MajesticMusic24: LINK

Nice example of flocking effect using cocos2d: LINK

Appirater – in-app rate/review reminder: LINK

Life saver if you are using GestureRecognizers with cocos2d: LINK

Coloring Flood Fill algorithm: LINK

Coloring Flood Fill cocos2d extension: CCSpriteFloodFill – LINK

Custom Slider sample (BBSlider) with tutorial – LINK

Nice solution for loading sound from memory into cocos2d’s SimpleAudioEngine – LINK

How to draw smooth lines using cocos2d – LINK

ABGameKitHelper – helper class for integrating cocos2d 2.0 with Apple’s GameKit API – LINK

ArtPig (Flash timeline style motion editor) Library for cocos2d – LINK

A tool that provides a fast way of reusing animations made in Flash CS in Cocos2D projects – LINK

Nice example of pre-loading game assets using plist file – LINK

Nice example of making local leaderboard using plists – LINK

A Magnifying Glass effect – LINK

How to pause and resume audio in cocos2d – LINK

ShareKit – open source, drop-in share features (Facebook, Twitter, Flickr, …) to add full sharing capabilities to your game – LINK

Nice solution for adding stroke effect around the letters – LINK

Very nice solution for making RPG-like text box in your game – LINK

Nice example of making fluid/goo effect using cocos2d – LINK

How to add night effect to your cocos2d game – LINK

Open source development framework for making e-book/diary games or apps – LINK

Awesome project showing how to build a depth map for your cocos2d game – LINK

How To Make A Game Like Fruit Ninja With Box2D and Cocos2D – LINK

Some useful tips and code snippets for pre-loading game assets with progress bar – LINK

Nice tutorial including source about how to make slide puzzle game – LINK

Open source project providing with iris style effect in cocos2d – LINK

Sample project showing you how to integrate BulletML (Bullet Markup Language; describing the barrage of bullets in shooting games) in cocos2d – LINK

Sample project serving as the starting point for a Train Game with free-form tracks – LINK

How to make simple fractal terrains in your cocos2d game – LINK

Great Buoyancy (water floating solution in Box2D) example for cocos2d – LINK

Nice custom cocos2d Action for rotating a sprite around an arbitrary point – LINK

Nice tutorial about integrating facebook with your cocos2d game including source code – LINK

Nice effects of animated lava, clouds, and water based on 3D perlin noise – LINK

CMMSimpleFramework – rich set of cocos2d 2.0 helper classes and utils: LINK

MBTileParser – a cocos2d-iphone compatible game engine written using pure UIKit: LINK

Nice tutorial with source code about Additive Coloring & Flash Style Tinting with cocos2d – LINK

Behavior Tree implementation in ObjectiveC – LINK

Great sample project of using pixel based destructible ground – LINK

Great tool which enables you to reuse your Flash CS animations in cocos2d – LINK

Nice sample project showing how to simulate Soft Body physics using box2d and cocos2d – LINK

Great tutorial about scrolling in cocos2d including sample project – LINK

Nice iPad maze generation game analysis with sample source code – LINK

Interesting open source project implementing waves simulation using shaders – LINK

Fruit Ninja Clone (a Good Potato) Mac Os 7

Great open source project implementing cocos2d SPH (Smoothed-particle hydrodynamics) particle fluid dynamics solution with box2d interaction – LINK

Touch collision detection solution using PhysicsEditor – LINK

Nice pinch to reveal gesture (pinch to split a CCSprite in two sections) solution sample – LINK

Direct link to source package showing how to push cocos2d director modally on View Controller or Navigation Controller – LINK

PixelShatter – cool retro pixelated style explosion effect – LINK

iAd BannerViewController – LINK

Sample project showing Squash and Stretch Animation using cocos2d – LINK

HUMAStarPathfinder – A* pathfinding implementation for iOS and Mac – LINK

CargoManager – open source library that helps you implement IAPs for iOS apps in a simple and encapsulated way by using the by using the delegate pattern – LINK Explaindio platinum 4 014 mac.

Fruit Ninja for PC: Download and install Fruit Ninja

2.8.8 Apk for PC using Android emulators of your choice. Fruit Ninja is a Arcade Game developed by Halfbrick Studios with 100,000,000+ active installs. Fruit Ninja required Android 4.1 and up to work properly. The last update of the Game was on [Last updated]. At the moment the Game has a total rating of 4.3 and is in the top listing of Playstore. if you are looking to download and install the Fruit Ninja on PC running either Windows or Mac OS, simply follow the guide below.

Note: BE AWARE!! We only share the original and free Apps link of Fruit Ninja

2.8.8 hosted on Playstore. And we are not associated with any of the Application providers.

Fruit Ninja details

Name:Fruit Ninja
Developer:Halfbrick Studios
Reviews:4.3 / 5.0
Requires Android:
4.1 and up
Google Play-URL:

Download Fruit Ninja for Android

In addition, the Fruit Ninja is very interactive and fun to use and the users can enjoy it at any time and anywhere around the world. What are you waiting for? download now Fruit Ninja on your smart devices from link below. Enjoy the Fruit Ninja and go as far as you can. Have fun!

Download: Fruit Ninja (Google Play Store)

Developer: Halfbrick Studios

Recommended: Commander Battle on PC (Windows & Mac).

How to Download Fruit Ninja for PC (Windows 10, 8, 7 & Mac OS X)

Fruit Ninja Clone (a Good Potato) Mac Os 11

To download and install Fruit Ninja on PC we will be needing Android Emulator or an Android OS as the developers have released it on Android platforms only. By using Android emulator we can easily use any App or play any game for Android on our PC or laptop computers. Below we have provided the link of an article which will guide you how can you download an Android Emulator of your choice and install it on your PC.

Fruit Ninja Clone (a Good Potato) Mac Os Pro

How to install Fruit Ninja for PC and Laptop

Now it’s our turn to download and install Fruit Ninja on PC using the emulator we have downloaded and installed. All we need to do for that is simply open the Emulator we installed and configure it using our Google Email, as we normally do in Android Devices. when we are done with the Gmail configuration on Play Store simply Open the Play Store and Search ‘Fruit Ninja’ and Select the App to install. Then click on the Install button to start the installation or Pay the price to get the installation started if the App is Paid. Once installed, Click ‘open’ to run Fruit Ninja for PC. That’s All.

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Fruit Ninja Clone (agoodpotato) Mac Os Download

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Fruit Ninja Clone (AGoodPotato) Mac OS

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