Socks (LD45) Mac OS

Socks (LD45) Mac OS

May 25 2021

Socks (LD45) Mac OS

So…you want to use that old or new Mac to mine some Crypto? With all the craze in crypto today, it’s everyone’s dream to let their computer do the heavy lifting, mine some random crypto, and then cash it in for money. In this guide, we will you show how to mine Monero (XMR) crypto currency using only your Mac’s CPU. At the time of this article, this is the easiest and most profitable method of mining with a basic Mac Desktop using your Mac’s CPU only.

Just navigate to Quick Guide. Or plan to deploy your own server? Take one minute to complete a survey about shadowsocks user base.It's totally anonymous and no login required. The -D option starts ssh as a SOCKS server listening on port 8080. It also enables port forwarding so that any connection made to port 8080 is forwarded to its actual destination host and port. The www.paypal.com does nothing here; ssh examines the application protocol of the inbound connection to determine the ultimate destination of the. Socks (LD45) Socks. The original idle sock game. Involving socks An idle game no one asked for A game made to fill a hole in the market. That did not exist. Socks - Mack Weldon's Men's Socks have a sharp design and are enhanced with technology. Not too heavy, not too light, it fits comfortably for.

Prerequisites you need before mining:

The project is forked from tsocks-1.84 patched by mac port. My patch is made for tsocks failed to resolve host name when using iPhone tethering tools. Why should I use it? If you can't ssh or use git through tethering, then use this. This patch is intended for iPhone tethering tool hosted in https.

Monero Crypto Wallet – We use Coinomi. This is a universal Crypto wallet.

This guide was done on macOS Catalina 10.15.7. I do not know if this will work on macOS versions previous or later.

1. We will be using XMRIg to mine Monero (XMR). In order to use XMRIg on Mac, you will need to install some prerequisites.

2. Install Homebrew. In Terminal type:

/bin/bash -c '$(curl -fsSL https://raw.githubusercontent.com/Homebrew/install/HEAD/install.sh)'

3. Next, install XMRIg. Open Terminal and type the following commands. XMRIg will install in /Users/USER/xmrig/.

a. brew install cmake libuv openssl hwloc

b. git clone https://github.com/xmrig/xmrig.git

c. mkdir xmrig/build && cd xmrig/build

d. cmake .. -DOPENSSL_ROOT_DIR=/usr/local/opt/openssl

e. make -j$(sysctl -n hw.logicalcpu)

4. Now, we need to create a new configuration file in order to run XMRIg. The easiest way is to do this with the XMRIg wizard here.

  • Add Pool: choose any pool here. Wallet address is the address to your Monero wallet you created (receive Monero payments address)
  • Backends: CPU
  • Misc: We donate 5 percent but this can be what you want.

5. Download the config.json file and place it in /Users/USER/xmrig/build folder.

Start XMRIg on macOS

1. Open Terminal.

2. cd /Users/USER/xmrig/build

3. ./xmrig

XMRIg will begin mining. The first screen in Terminal will show you your Mac’s system details. By default, XMRIg will mine using your Mac’s CPU most effectively, so you won’t have to worry about not using all your CPU power for it.

So what’s the all the XMRIg activity mean? See below.

miner – speed: line tells you your miner's hash rate. As far as I can tell, this shows three hash rates over three different rolling windows of 2.5 seconds, a minute, and 15 minutes. The hash rate stays fairly constant at close to 1200 H/s. Your miner hasn't been running for 15 minutes yet.

net – new job: line means the pool just sent your miner some work. Your miner will then repeatedly hash this data to find hashes below the requested target (which comes as part of that job). The last number of that line is the difficulty for that job. The higher it is, the harder it is to find a qualifying hash, but the more any solution counts towards your share of the block reward when the pool finds a block next.

cpu – accepted: line means the pool acknowledged receipt of a hash your miner found. 3/0 means this is the third accepted hash, and none were rejected (which can happen for various reasons, such as being for a previous job, below the requested difficulty, or otherwise invalid).

When does XMRIg pay me for my mining?

Check with the miner pool you joined. Your miner pool will be able to show you how much you’ve mined, your average hash rates, and your payouts. All you need to do is tell them your Wallet ID in most cases. In our case, we will only get paid once we’ve mined 0.5 XMR.

So is crypto mining with Mac’s CPU worth it?

We hate to admit it, but it’s not. We’ve mined with our intel Mac Mini (3269.4 H/s) for one day and only earned 6 cents. It’s not going to make us any money long term. However, it’s possible the upcoming Mac “M” chips prove to be worth of CPU mining. We will wait and see.

Please use the comments area below to share your Crypto Mining speeds, success rates, and payouts. Please ensure to include relevant Mac system details!

This post seems to follow on from my previous post regarding a quick and easy proxy server on Ubuntu! And sticks with the proxy theme quite nicely.

I’ve come across a couple of corporate VPN solutions that appear to open a SSH tunnel for the VPN and push all traffic down it accordingly. Sometimes it’s very useful to be able to test routing from a remote source, or to give your users a cheap and quick VPN. (As well as in this case the VPN and Firewall provider didn’t provide a native Mac VPN client.)

There is two different ways in which I use this system and a version for Windows users with PuTTY may following soon!

Using SSH as a SOCKS Proxy & VPN

Advantages: Secure and safe, encrypted tunnel, can be used with every application installed, cane be used for services other than HTTP.
Disadvantages: It doesn’t look as ‘nice’ as a proper VPN client.


On your Mac open Terminal (Applications – Utilities – Terminal), and you’ll want to use the following syntax:

ssh -D 8080 [username]@[IP address or hostname]

If your SSH port is on a different port you’ll need the following:

ssh -D 8080 -p [port number] [username]@[IP address or hostname]

An example could be:

ssh -D 8080 [email protected]

Now change your SOCKS proxy, open up System Preferences (Applications – System Preferences), Network.

On the following box click Advanced.

Socks (ld45) mac os download

In the next box that pops up you’ll want to tick the SOCKS Proxy option, and put the following entry in the text box port 8080, like this:

And now all your applications that are using the setting in the control panel will be able to use the VPN session, just don’t shut down the Terminal window, that is where the magic is happening!

Using SSH as a Secure HTTP Proxy

Advantages: Sometimes you don’t want all your traffic going in through a SSH tunnel, just specific HTTP traffic will do.

Disadvantages: Again firewall rules may impede your ability to do this and you can only go to one site at a time!


On your Mac open Terminal (Applications – Utilities – Terminal), and you’ll want to use the following syntax:

Socks (ld45) Mac Os Download

ssh -L 2222:[website address]:[port] [username]@[IP Address or hostname]

An example could be:

Socks (ld45) Mac Os X

ssh -L 2222:www.companya.com:80 [email protected]

Socks (ld45) Mac Os 11

Now this method is far easier, you don’t need to make any settings in your System Settings, just open up a web browser and point it to:

Socks (LD45) Mac OS

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